A big belly is more than friendly padding
Here is a excerpt from a post on webmd The risks of belly fat--"The notches on your belt tell the tale: If your waistline has gained girth, you've got more than friendly padding. You've got too much belly fat, and that's a serious health issue. A big waistline puts you at increased risk for many health problems -- diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke," says Robert Eckel, MD, president of the American Heart Association.
Even skinny people can have unhealthy "hidden" belly fat. Research shows that fat may be folded deep inside the belly around the stomach organs, visible only by CT or MRI imaging. This fat puts people at the same health risks as someone with more obvious big girth, researchers say." --
"Visceral Fat" as it is called is more or less described as an active "organ" one that puts out hormones and toxifying substances. When the belly fat breaks down it is thought to break down into fatty acids the drain into the liver and muscles. when this happens blood sugars start to get out of balance. Fats and clots get into the bloodstream, and that sets you up for diabetes, heart disease, and more.
What can you do?
Exercise will defiantly help, but it needs to be consistent and on a daily basis. Still, it will take awhile to get rid of that belly depending on how big the spare tire is. You can help the process along and detoxify those cells faster and a more natural way.Dandelion, is one such herb. Others include fennel, pelargonium reniforme, burdock, psyllium seeds,horse chestnut, Green Tea, Guarana and Horsetail. Of course these will all be in an extract form and will need to be applied to the belly. You will need some type of application system to keep the extract combination working on the area. The best type of applicator would be a thin non soaking material. Wow that is a lot of work right?
An easier solution
I found an easier solution that has herbs and the applicator all in one.The Belly Wrap
It takes a minimum of 45 minutes and you can keep it on for a couple of hours. You will see a difference in your belly right away. I myself have lost 2 inches, my wife 1.5 inches and I have friends that lost 5 inches. with one application. Cool thing is you get 4 in a box. I recommend you do the wrap once a week for 4 weeks.
The process of detoxifying you belly fat will help you be healthier and gives you more time to change what you eat and start that exercise program you body needs to work like a well oil machine. If you want an easier solution that will help right now this has been the best one I have found.
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P.S. They have a loyal customer program where you can get 45% off the price so make sure you check that out.